
Sunday, May 12, 2024

New Jeans' Plagiarism Controversy Article: Original video vs Response video

by Reporter Lee Yuna (The article has been taken down now)

"Plagiarism vs Sampling" Another setback for NewJin? Controversy over 'Bubble Gum' similarity... What will happen to Min Hee-jin criticized for 'copying'?

On the 11th, a video titled "New Jeans' 'Bubble Gum' (Composed by 250) Similarity Comparison to Shakatak's 'Easier Said Than Done'.' The video compared New Jeans' Bubble Gum (Composed by 250, released in 2024) to Shakatak's Easier Said Than Done (Composed by Bill Sharpe & Roger Odell, released in 1982. 

In the case of sampling, the original creator's name should be credited during copyright registration. However, the person who posted the video on Youtube emphasized that "Sampling record unknown," which means that the sampling mark is not shown. 

(NB: These are the videos that the article mentioned)

The original song has already been sold as a sample. There are over 30 songs made from this sample. If the sample is cleared, you don't have to credit it!!

-Has there been no official statement regarding whether it's sampling or not?

-It's too similar; it could be sampling..

-They haven't even released the song, and people are making a fuss. I heard that there are already over 30 songs that came out with this sampling.

-In cases of free sampling, it's common not to mention the name in the copyright.

-They haven't released the song yet; why are they talking about copyright registration?

-Oh, they'll definitely use this to create negative publicity.

-Oh, is it a remake?

-Isn't it too early to discuss whether it was plagiarized or not, since the song hasn't been released yet?ㅋㅋㅋ We can talk about it after the release...

-Why discuss a song that hasn't even been released yet?

-Let's talk after the album comes out

-It seems like HYBE's back with the media play... It's pissing me off that they're doing this to a song that hasn't even been released yet.

-More than half fo K-pop songs don't credit their samples, right?? Just look it up on Youtube, almost everything is sampled.

-You can tell who's doing thisㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

-To see whether it's plagiarism or not, the key is to see if the original song is being sold for sampling purposes. Not being sold > Should be suspected of plagiarism. Being sold > Almost certainly sampling, as 99.9% of the time it is. Because from the composer's perspective, there's no reason to risk plagiarism anymore, as purchasing samples is quite cheap.

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋWow, this is way over the top. It's not even officially released yet? Reallyㅋㅋㅋㅋ Why are they doing this?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-There seem to be many who don't know what sampling isㅋㅋㅋㅋ