
Sunday, May 12, 2024


Song Gunhee (Taesung in Lovely Runner)'s Golden Bell era


Back then, there were rumors that you could get cast (in dramas/movies) if you appeared in Golden Bell. So I thought to myself, "Yeah! If I just show off my talents, maybe an opportunity will come my way!" So I went on Golden Bell, prepared to show my skills. But strangely, I kept getting all the questions right... I was like, "What????"

He won the 3rd place in Golden Bell 


-He's handsome.

-He must have been very popular..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Wow! He was already handsome even when he was still a student.

-He's really handsome... If he went to my school, I probably would've had the biggest crush on him, but ended up never talking to him until we graduated...

-Wow, he looks exactly the same now.

-Wow, extremely handsome.

-Look at that smileㅋㅋ He must have been very popular.

-What? He already looks like a celebrity back then, so handsome.

-Look at the writings on his blackboardㅋㅋㅋㅋ 'I'll pay your 8,500 KRW back soon, Lee Soojin!!' I wonder if he paid it back already?ㅋㅋㅋ

-Taesung is super handsome.

-Oh my, he's cute.

-Gunhee, I'm subscribing to Bubble because of you... I love how you pay attention to grammar and spacing...

-He's charming.
