
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

[Lovely Runner] Finale Ep Sol and Sunjae πŸ’• Wedding Ending πŸ’



-A perfect ending γ…œγ…œγ…œγ…œγ…œγ… γ… γ…œγ…œγ…œγ…  I watched it with my mouth open because it was so good.

-The last episode was truly enchanting, full of happiness... Forever, Sol-Sun πŸ’›πŸ’™

-It was truly perfect until the end γ… γ… γ… γ…œ Thank you πŸ’›πŸ’™πŸ’›πŸ’™

-Sol-Sun, be happy. I was happy thanks to you, Sol-Sun.

-Honestly, I didn't like some parts of the latter half of the drama, but episode 16 was a real legend... Absolutely perfect.

-The ending was perfect γ… γ… γ… γ… γ… γ… γ…œγ…œ

-The last episode was really perfect. It was such a happy episode γ… γ… γ… γ…  But I really can't let go of Sol-Sun. What should I do γ… γ… γ… γ… 

-The last episode was perfect γ… γ… γ…  I was happy γ… γ… 

-So good γ… γ… γ… γ… γ…  How can they keep up the sweetness throughout the entire 16th episode γ… γ… γ… γ… 

-Perfectγ…œγ…œ Be happy and thank you.

-Oh, I'm crying. What will I do with my life now that my favorite drama is over?

-All's well that ends well.

-Thanks to Sol-Sun, I was so, so happy γ… γ… γ… γ… γ… 

--It was truly a perfect final episode, so fun until the end. Thank you so much to the writer, director, and actors for making such a drama γ… 

-γ… γ… γ… γ…  Such a perfect drama γ… γ… γ… γ… 

-Sol-Sun πŸ’›πŸ’™ I was so happy all this time

-γ… γ… γ… γ… γ… γ… γ… γ… γ…  Sol-Sun, I love you

-The best drama of my life γ… γ…  Watching Sol-Sun being happy made me happy

-It was great from start to finish γ… γ… γ… γ… γ… γ… 

-Be happy πŸ’›πŸ’™