
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Ilgan Sports seem to be really really really pissed off by HYBE this time

 1. HYBE instructed the media to publish their response as an exclusive report;

HYBE has been sharing the content of ADOR's response with the media for three days since the start of ADOR's audit. Previously, HYBE's PR Chief told Ilgan Sports the same thing. However, Ilgan Sports didn't write an article about it because it was unverified claim. At that time, HYBE's PR Chief stated, "I'm just sharing the information," and insisted that the email sent by Min Heejin should be reported as an exclusive report. However, (Ilgan Sports) deemed that it was trivial and not worth reporting. 

2. HYBE's PR Chief pressured Ilgan Sports, questioning why they were siding with Min Heejin. Also, they spread the news about Min Heejin's shaman 20 minutes before her press conference, despite Min Heejin already denying the claims. 

Right after articles about the audit were released on the 25th of last month, HYBE's PR Chief questioned, "Why are Ilgan Sports and OOO siding with Min Heejin?" Ilgan Sports have never sided with min Heejin. The only thing Ilgan Sports have done is published an exclusive interview they did with Min Heejin. 

The most outrageous example of HYBE's media play occurred on the day the articles about the audit were released. Upon news of Min Heejin's press conference, HYBE spread information about Min Heejin's alleged shamanistic practices just 20 minutes before the press conference. This information, which claimed Min Heejin received an advice from a shaman, was based on questions HYBE had asked her in an audit. Min Heejin had already denied these allegations on the previous day. 

3. HYBE claimed they couldn't reveal Min Heejin's response because they could be sued if they did, yet they released it 20 minutes before the press conference. 
The issue arose when HYBE stated they couldn't disclose the contents of Min Heejin's response to the audit, saying that legal actions could be taken against them if the information was publicly revealed. However, HYBE shared the information about Min Heejin's shamanistic practices just 20 minutes before the press conference, despite saying they couldn't share it.

4. Ilgan Sports had talked to Park Jiwon on the phone to verify their article. However, after the article was posted, HYBE made an official statement as if the article was written under Min Heejin's instruction. 

Additionally, it is also important to understand Park Jiwon's perspective as he was the one who had a meeting with New Jeans' members' parents. Before the report, through an interview, the members' mothers confirmed that they wrote the email on their own will and also their discussions with HYBE executives. To avoid misunderstandings, a follow-up call with CEO Park Jiwon was conducted, and HYBE's PR Chief provided an official stance.

However, HYBE's top PR officer responded as if Ilgan Sports conducted the interview under Min Heejin's instruction, and released an official statement that said, "We feel sorry for Min Heejin's practice of bringing artists and their families to this dispute for her own greed.". In the official statement, they also urged Min Heejin to refrain from misleading public opinion and to focus on protecting the artists' value.

5. HYBE visited the media outlet that reported Min Heejin's meetings with Dunamu and Naver to ask them to delete the article because it turns out the meetings had nothing to do with taking over management rights. 
It was reported by one media outlet that Min Heejin met with Song Chihyung (Chairman of Dunamu) and Choi Sooyeon (CEO of Naver), and that both sides could not be subject to takeover of management rights. HYBE's PR Chief reportedly visited the media outlet requesting the removal of their names or the entire article but was refused. 

-All the mocking comments blaming everything on HYBE were right~^^ Everything is caused by HYBE's madness.

-Just go bankrupt.

-They're causing the downfall of this industry. For the sake of the industry, they should go down.

-The more I see, the more entertaining it gets.

-Calling them shameful is too kind... it’s just HYBE being HYBE.

-This is beyond dirty.

-They must have manipulated the media as they wish all this time. Really disgusting.

-HYBE shows all kinds of disgraceful behavior through this incidentㅋㅋㅋㅋ All conspiracies are proven to be true.

-What’s up with these guys?

-So disgraceful...

-These crazy HYBE bastards are manipulating the media. If you’re going to do this, just start your own media company.

-Stupid company.

-Even with this, those who trust and defend HYBE despite all these media plays must be brainless.

-They really need to go down. HYBE, please get out of the idol industry.

-I was a casual fan of HYBE idols, but this incident has made me lose interest. 

-The more I read, the more absurd it gets...