
Thursday, May 9, 2024

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"Dad Will Step on Everything!" aespa's Winter Reveals Support... Targeting Bang Si-hyuk?My


by Reporte Lee Mina

'Can you step on Aespa?' 

As Winter reveals the support she receives from her family, netizen's attention are drawn back to the message Bang Sihyuk sent to Min Heejin, asking her if she can step on Aespa.'

On the 9th, on the paid-communication platform Bubble, Winter mentioned the recent conversation she had with her older brother, saying "When I said I was having a hard time on Instagram, my brother said he would take care of everything." Previously, Winter had revealed a message she received from her older brother that said, "Why are you having a hard time, Ddol-ddol-ah?ㅜㅜ I'll take care of everything for you." Upon seeing this, Winter's father responded, 'I will!!! Step on everything for you!!!! My daughter!!!!', showing his support. 

Recently, Min Heejin publicly disclosed the message she received with Bang Sihyuk during a press conference. Among the messages, there was Bang Sihyuk's message that said, 'Can you step on Aespa?', to which Min Heejin replied, 'Hahaha'. She later explained, 'I was so surprised and couldn't believe it. So I replied 'Hahaha'. I'm not someone who would step on anyone.'


-Ah f*ckㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Fatherㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I really love this family

-Her father must be so reliable

-I mean... Who would love to hear someone saying they would step on their daughter??

-Please don't hate. My father-in-law is just protecting his daughter!

-He must be a Supermanㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-It's a normal response upon hearing someone would step on his daughter. Any fathers would do the same.

-Father, you're so cool~~~~

-Her father must've been so offended to hear that...
 ㄴI know right. It's very nice of him to only say that. If I were him, I would've sued and cursed Bang Sihyuk.

-Her father and older brother must be so reliable...

-I'm not a fan of Aespa, but I will step on him along with her father. Leave Winter alone.

-Come to think of it, I can't imagine how pissed off her family must've been to hear the news. 

-Why would Bang Sihyuk say such a thing to someone else's precious daughter...

-He did the right thing. 

-Bang Sihyuk is fat, it' would be quite hard to step on him.

-Fighting, Aespa!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
