
Thursday, August 29, 2024


Comments on LE SSERAFIM Kazuha's recording video.

1. Kazuha seems to have a strong desire to learn, so if she's taught well, her skills would probably improve a lotㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ But first, let's fire that vocal coach, HYBE.

2. Watching this, I'm wondering what that vocal trainer even does? I don't know if it's because she's under pressure from the higher-ups or something, but she's not giving (Kazuha) any proper feedback. It's not like she's a therapist or anything, she only focuses on mental care ... (Contd)

3. Her answers to Kazuha's questions are lacking substance...;;

4. Kazuha had an objective view of her own skills, but the vocal trainer is just repeating what she said... I think Kazuha was asking to be taught how to sing with an accent. 

5. It's just like a math tutor saying 'You'll understand if you solve more problems' when you tell her you're having difficulties solving a problem 

6. Kazuha did pure arts before, therefore I'm sure she should have some level of metacognition. But after her successful debut, she's only been hearing praises from those around her, and this leaves her feeling confused. 

As we all know, Kazuha almost didn't have a trainee period and debuted right away. She quickly caught up in dancing due to her ballet experience, but she probably felt she was lacking in vocals. So she consulted the vocal trainer, but she just brushed it off, saying everything’s fine. Is this right? I felt like if Kazuha was taught properly, her skills would improve a lot, but it seems the company isn’t supporting her enough.

+ Once again, I didn’t write this to bash the vocal trainer. And I’m not a LE SSERAFIM fan either. I wrote this because I think the trainer is following the company’s guidelines.

 In LE SSERAFIM's documentary, the dance trainer gives very harsh feedback. If the member is not doing well, they would say it directly without beating around the bush, unlike the vocal trainer. 

++ Some people say the vocal trainer can’t give harsh feedback because it’s being recorded, but the dance trainer gives such harsh feedback it makes the members cry, while in the vocal trainer just say things like "it’s okay, you’re doing well."

-I don't understand why HYBE doesn't invest in vocal trainings when they have so much money. I know vocal training is the most expensive, but it's not like the company can't afford it.

-They have a lot of money, but can’t bring in a famous vocal coach from abroad? That would probably lead to improvement, thoughㅋㅋㅋ

-YG seems to have strict vocal trainings. If Kazuha had gone to a company that cared about vocal training, she would’ve found her vocal range and improved her skills… Kazuha’s voice tone is nice.

-An expert should point out the areas that need improvement. There's no way their skills will improve if their trainers give that kind of feedback. It’s frustrating.

-She has a good voice, so they should teach her better.

-When I watched the documentary, I felt it was strange how the trainers didn't really give a proper answer to her question...ㅠㅠ Even though I know it is a directed documentary.

-How can you know anything from watching that one-minute video? She’s probably still receiving training, and there have likely been many conversations in between. Are you trying to criticize someone based on that brief clip?

-Maybe the trainer didn’t want to point out Kazuha’s vocal weaknesses in front of the camera to protect her. Given that they’re already getting criticized for their live performances, they probably know her mental state is fragile. But this is just my opinion, so it might not be true.

-I feel like Kazuha could do really well because she has a very nice voice tone.

-Personally, I think Kazuha has a strong voice and good vocal technique, so with a lot of practice and refinement, she could improve.