
Sunday, June 2, 2024

There are a lot of people who don't like this type of ending in romance dramas


Endings that involve pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare.

-I love it

-I really hate it. It’s my least favorite ending. I don't even like romance, so when a romance drama ends like that, it’s just... ugh...

-I really hate it. Marriage is one thing, but I really hate the having-kids part. Can't they be happy without kids? It's so cliché and lazy.

-Marriage is fine, but I'm really not into the parenting part.

-I just lose interest once they start dating.

-I really don't like it.

-It's not that I hate it, but I've seen this ending so many times that I'm bored of it. 

-I'm single and childfree, but I like it.

-It's such a lazy ending.

-Marriage is fine, but having kids... do we really need that?

-I really hate it.

-I prefer when they end up being happy together. No need to show them getting married and having kids. It's too realistic and boring. It even kills the fantasy.

-I really, really, really dislike it.

-It's not the pregnancy and parenting itself, but romanticizing it bothers me. The child is just used as an accessory for an ideal family.

-It's too much of a happy ending.

-I don't mind it, but I hate when people act like marriage is the ultimate goal in life.

-If the couple is happy, that's enough. I don't think children are necessary. You don't need pregnancy and parenting to live a happy life.

-Marriage is fine, but including kids is unnecessary unless it's essential to the story.

-I don't like marriage endings. I wish it would just end with them dating.

-I don't mind it.

-It's the ending I dislike the most.

-Oh, why do people hate it? I'm curious.

-I don't just dislike it; it's a complete turn-off. I want to enjoy the fantasy of the couple's romance, but making pregnancy and parenting a standard happy ending ruins it.