
Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Stray Kids' leader ignores rude journalists and left with the members


Stray Kids has two Australian members and most of them actually speak English very well. The journalists looked down on them because they thought Stray Kids did not understand what they were saying. Not only that, they also made some racist remarks. The leader (who is Australian) left with the members without a care. 


-That's seriously rude

-Wow, If I were there, I'd flipped my middle fingers right away. Are those guys insane?

-Everybody Jump << What did they mean here? I don't get it even though I understand the meaning of the sentence. I know the meaning of the sentence itself, but I don't understand the context.
ㄴIf you look at the entire video, some reporters keep making disrespectful remarks in a mocking tone.
ㄴThey're asking if they're performing, saying they seem to have come here to dance, suggesting they should jump, saying their expressions are stiff, emotionless, saying 'Arigato' (f*ck, lol), etc., making derogatory remarks about Asians.

-So disrespectful, damn it..

-They're on the red carpet, why should they jumping out of nowhere? It's weirdㅋㅋㅋ

-The leader is also Australian, so he must have understood the racial undertones. It's really bitter...

-It's not that SKZ isn't famous, but they should be even more famous like BTS to avoid racial discrimination.
ㄴIs bringing up BTS necessary? BTS still face discrimination too.

-Chan and Yongbok must have understood everythingㅠㅠ It's heartbreaking.

-Basically, being Asian is even worse than being black...They're not even regular people, they're invited celebrities, yet they're treated like this... 

-They even said nonsense like they might get infected with corona, etc...

-Not only the Australian members but also many SKZ members speak English well, so they should have understood roughly what was being said. It's seriously annoying, but Chanie is cool amidst all this...

-But isn't there any punishment for such behavior???

-The leader handled it well.

-They're primitive, seriously primitive.

-No matter how you look at it, just being silent and ignoring is the best response in that situation... In foreign countries, this is (unjustly) the best optionㅠ Due to the risk of being perceived as rude behavior or something
