
Monday, July 8, 2024


"Sad about racism misunderstanding" ATEEZ's San explains about his confusing outfit and cushion-less seat incident


by Journalist Go Yeeun

ATEEZ's San addressed allegations of experiencing racism during a Dolce & Gabbana event held on July 2 (local time) in Nora, Sardinia, Italy. 

San explained the controversial outfit that sparked the racism controversy. He said, "There were 10 outfits prepared for fitting. They had prepared 10 outfits just for me. It was a lot. I tried on each outfit, and the staff told me (the controversial one) looked nice. I also thought it looked good from a contemporary art perspective. When I discussed it with the company, they suggested it would be good to try it out."

San also explained the incident where he was seen sitting uncomfortably without a cushion at the event. San said, "Firstly, I sat like that myself. I couldn't help it because the person next to me was large. I have a big build too, don't I? Since I'm also quite introverted and was sitting in a cramped space, I felt sorry and leaned slightly forward."

He added, "I feel a bit sad because misunderstandings keep arising. Nothing of that sort happened, and I had an unforgettable memory. It was a memory to last a lifetime, but I wanted to clarify to avoid misunderstandings. There was absolutely nothing like that. Please, no misunderstandings."

source: https://v.daum.net/v/20240708111604147


-Turns out he's more introverted than he seems.

-If that's the case, then that's a relief.

-Why is it always the victim who has to speak up to resolve issues related to racism against Asians?

-But why did they see this as racism? This outfit appeared in a previous Dolce & Gabbana show. Even if it's strange, all the models wore it on the runway.

-I somehow knew he might have chosen the outfit himself, but the seating arrangement was too tight.

-Maybe it's because the brand had previous racism controversies.

-The large guy next to him seemed to take up two cushions.

-But the seating arrangement was too tight... The organizers should have adjusted it.

-I liked the outfit. It suited his attitude and looked cool. I'm just glad he came back with good memories and no bad experiences.

-San, fighting!

-I thought the outfit was okay because it was high fashion and meant to grab attention, but the cushion bothered me. Was he placed there in a hurry?

-I didn't think it was racism in his case, but given the history of such incidents, it's understandable why people were suspicious.
