
Friday, June 14, 2024


TWICE Nayeon's showcase creates buzz among fans


Hey, guys!! Nayeon Unnie took pictures with every single person who came to the showcaseㅠ Devoted daughter behavior😍😍😍😍😍

Nayeon took pictures with every single ONCE that came after the showcase endedㅠㅠ


-While other idols charge money for private photo sessions, Nayeon is doing it for free.
 ㄴYou do realize people had to buy albums to go to the showcase, right? Don't use Nayeon's good deed to criticize others.

-Wow... How happy must the fans be? ㅠ

-So envious.

-Wow, this is insane... I'll never stop being a fan of her.

-Wow, crazy. The fans must be really happy.

-Wow, why am I so touched?

-This is insane, her love for fans is crazy.

-Ah, seriously!!!!!! I should've gone.

-This is amazing. Did she take photos with everyone at the showcase?

-That is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, crazy...

-She's taking photos for free... for 190 people...

-Crazy, she's an angel. How does she come up with such ideas?

-Hul... With every single fan who came?????? Hul...

-Nayeon seems to treat her fans really well... I'm so jealous...

-And here I am, crying because I couldn't go to her showcaseㅠㅠ I love Nayeon, but I'm so jealous that my heart achesㅠㅠㅠ 

-The best idol ever...
