
Monday, November 7, 2022


How is she turning 40 next year?



1. [+27][-1] I think foreigners would mistake her for a minor if they didn't know

2. [+21][-0] There's something that Sandara Park was just born with. I'm a fan, I sometimes see pictures of her non-celebrity little sister. Her sister is in her 30s and she looks like she's in her 20s. Not to mention that she takes a really good self-care. I don't think a lot of people know that she's kind of scary when she manages her body. She always tries to gain abs every time she performs, like for Coachella and her previous performances back then. Despite having the type of body that doesn't get muscular easily. 

3. [+16][-2] You have to eat a little to be healthy

4. [+13][-2] The most important thing is not her age, but her face. I think her skin age would be so much younger than most of people in their 20s. 

5. [+9][-0] She has a really beautiful smile
