
Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Lee Hyunjoo had a 'main character syndrome'... It's not that no one touched her, but that they couldn't.


Q. What was your relationship with April?

A. I was a hairstylist who worked with them from their trainee days through their debut, accompanying them on-site.

Q. Why did you agree to this interview?

A. It's natural for me to participate in the interview. As someone who knows the truth, I felt too sad about the situation. People probably don’t want to mention a certain person or get involved, but if I don’t speak up, I feel like others will live with a misunderstanding forever, so I gathered the courage.

Q. Recently, Kwak Tube has been criticized for his “proxy forgiveness” video, and Lee Naeun is once again being accused of bullying and harassment.

A. The public criticism has been so severe that I fear Lee Naeun may never recover if this continues. Why should someone who did nothing wrong be blamed? I’m not here to blame anyone, but I feel like I have to tell the truth so incidents like this don't happen again.

Q. As someone who observed April closely for years, do you believe there was bullying and harassment?

A. In this line of work, we talk a lot about celebrities. Something like who’s the most difficult to work with, who’s kind. I always say the same thing: “There’s no one as kind as April.” Throughout their active period, they never complained or had any issues. I can confidently say they were the best in that regard. If Hyunjoo grumbled, someone might point out, “Don’t be rude.” But they never collectively ostracize them while saying something like, “Don’t hang out with her.” It wasn’t ostracism; rather, Hyunjoo was unpredictable, so both the members and staff avoided engaging with her.

Q. What do you mean by "unpredictable"?

A. Honestly, during their activities and even when the issue was exposed in 2021, no one wanted to provoke Hyunjoo. It’s still the same now. As people know, there was the incident where she missed a music show rehearsal just a week after their debut, and another missed performance the following year. Plus, there was her brother’s statement about her suicide attempt. In a situation where even the slightest trigger could set off a bomb, would anyone really want to bully or ostracize her? Everyone was cautious and tried to console her. The members even went out of their way to take care of her.

Q. Can you share any specific memories of your time with them?

A. The company always placed Hyunjoo at the center. She knew she was the prettiest and had the mindset that she had to be the prettiest. Among ourselves, we called it the “main character syndrome.” Hyunjoo also had a victim mindset, which naturally led to conflicts. At the time, members didn’t have personal phones, so they borrowed staff phones to contact family or friends, which made it easy for us to learn personal details. From what I saw in Hyunjoo’s behavior and the traces left on the borrowed phones, I felt she had no affection for her idol career or the group.

April debuted in August 2015, and after missing a music show in May 2016, she officially left the group in October of that year. In 2021, Hyunjoo claimed on social media that she had endured constant physical and verbal abuse, harassment, insults, and personal attacks from the members between 2014 and 2016.

Q. Even if Hyunjoo had issues with commitment and attitude, that doesn’t prove there wasn’t group bullying or harassment, does it?

A. The claim that she was bullied for three years doesn’t hold up well since the members joined the group at different times. Specifically, Naeun has been labeled the “main perpetrator” of the bullying due to her connection with incidents like the shoe and tumbler, but Naeun only joined the group three months before their debut. In reality, the time she spent with Hyunjoo wasn’t even a year. Since Hyunjoo left the dorms midway through, their actual time together was even shorter. There’s no clear timeline or evidence of who bullied whom or when.

Q. But you wouldn’t know what went on in the dorms, right?

A. True, I don’t know everything that happened. But at some point, Hyunjoo was the only one with a personal phone and was no longer living in the dorms, instead staying at her family’s home. The other members were quite envious. During promotions, everyone would come to the salon early in the morning because of their schedules. Didn’t the other members also want to relax at home with their parents and have meals made for them? Despite this special treatment, Hyunjoo always arrived late and sometimes didn’t show up at all. Every day, people would ask, “When is Hyunjoo coming?” Despite all this, everyone treated her well, even throwing her birthday parties and trying to keep things going smoothly.

Q. Why didn’t you speak up when the controversy erupted in 2021?

A. At the time, I felt like I should step up and do an interview. But the members stopped me. They said, “We don’t want to attack Hyunjoo or cause problems for others. We’re just upset about the misunderstanding.” Even during that difficult time, they were worried about others. I feel so upset for these kind girls. It’s heartbreaking how they're being labeled as bullies and receiving hate comments.

Q. As someone who witnessed this from within the industry, what would you like to say?

A. These days, once a controversy arises, the public drags someone down without hesitation. The accuser doesn’t need proof, but the accused is forced to prove that something didn’t happen. How can you prove something didn’t happen? I hope we become a society where those making accusations are held accountable for their words and actions. I’m not trying to blame Hyunjoo. Everyone faces difficulties in life, but you shouldn’t attribute all your problems to others. Especially in entertainment, issues like school violence, bullying, and harassment shouldn’t be exploited to permanently brand someone.



-Don't they realize that releasing series of articles like this is a part of the bullying?

-You shouldn't fight someone who has nothing to lose. Who suffers more from a fight?

-'The girls stopped me, they don't want to attack Hyunjoo' This part is so totally the opposite of the reality, where they filed 7 lawsuits against her. They tormented her. It just doesn't add up.

-It seems true that Hyunjoo girl didn't adapt well to the group life.

-It's unfortunate, but I don't think the situation will change just because these articles are coming out. People have been bashing them for so long that they don't want to acknowledge it and will keep ignoring it. It's just sad.

-I wonder how much did she receive...

-Stop this, won't you? I'm so sick and tired of this.

-It's really sad... Is this what they call the right choice?

-This only seems to create more resentment; why are they doing this?

-Why go this far? It’s pure evilㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-In reality, they filed 7 lawsuits against Hyunjoo

-F*ck this. Stop harassing Hyunjoo, willyou?

-I feel really bad for Hyunjooㅠㅠ Do they have to go this far?? They're truly evil.

Continue reading Lee Hyunjoo had a 'main character syndrome'... It's not that no one touched her, but that they couldn't.

Byun Yohan watches couples fight on the street


I'm a bit hesitant to say this myself, but I can't stand injustice. It’s okay if someone criticizes me, but when people insult someone weaker, someone not present, or women, I can’t tolerate it. If I’m walking by and see a man and woman having a fight, my manager and I stop and watch because if things go wrong, it could escalate into dating violence.


-This is what a real man is.

-Seriously, though... In foreign countries, people would stop and ask the woman if they need help, even at the slightest sign. I felt like that didn't exist in our country. Byun Yohan is a real man.

-He's sooooo cool.

-Can we clone men like him instead of those useless guys?

-I love him instantly. He's such a cool guy.

-So cool. I hope Byun Yohan becomes even more successful.

-Real men like him is like a rare breed in Korea now.

-He’s like Go Jungwoo himself.

-His face is totally my type... And even his personality is perfect too.

-My love for him keeps growing.

-Who is this man? He’s so cool.

-This should be the normal reaction, though…

-He’s handsome and has a good personalityㅋㅋㅋ I can't believe people are thinking he's cool for reacting the normal wayㅋㅋ

-He’s a good actor, and he has a good personality too.

-This should be the norm... But he's truly cool.

-He's exactly the type of men that's hard to find these days.

Continue reading Byun Yohan watches couples fight on the street
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A reporter that is currently pouring out exclusive interviews with April's side


APRIL's hairstylist says, "I scoffed when she claimed to be being bullied."

Lee Hyunjoo had a 'main character syndrome'... It's not that no one touched her, but that they couldn't.

One reporter (NB: Kang Jooil) is releasing a series of articles. That reporter wrote an exclusive article three years ago and seems to be very favorable toward Lee Naeun.

"Lee Naeun spotted all over the streets"

"Lee Naeun resumes SNS after two years ... Still looks stunning in her new profile"

"Lee Naeun signs a contract with Namoo Actors ... Joins Goo Gyohwan under the same roof"

"Lee Naeun's sister says, 'Absolutely no school violence. Filed charges against malicious commenters yesterday'"

"Lee Naeun 'I live for late-night snacks and soju ... I don't gain weight'"

"Lee Naeun transforms into a hacker"

So how did she write about Hyunjoo? The only articles about Hyunjoo she wrote was DSP's (April's company) stance of filing a lawsuit against Hyunjoo.

"Beside Lee Hyunjoo, we were always the criminals"

"'Exposed to be the bully' Lee Hyunjoo opens a YouTube channel"

They denied it, arguing that Lee Hyunjoo decided to leave voluntarily after conflicts with the members. However, Lee Hyunjoo claimed that she was subjected to three years of assault, verbal abuse, and bullying, which led to her suffering from panic disorder and breathing difficulties. She also stated that she had to endure personal attacks and insults directed at her family. In response, DSP once again issued a statement saying that "(Lee Hyunjoo's claims) are completely one-sided and distorted, differing entirely from the objective facts."

What impact might this interview have?

Articles citing the interview by this one reporter are being published, and recently, people have been showing up on Lee Hyunjoo's Instagram comments, telling others to read the articles. Why are they doing this on Hyunjoo's Instagram? 🤔

Testimonies have emerged from people who claim to have closely observed former APRIL's member turned actress, Lee Naeun. Sports Kyunghyang reported on the 25th that they interviewed those who had been closest to April from their debut to their disbandment.

Regarding the 'bullying controversy' surrounding Lee Naeun, a former member of April, which travel YouTuber KwakTube defended and faced backlash for, those who claimed to have observed April closely came forward to defend her. Sports Kyunghyang reported on the 24th that they interviewed five people who were close to April from debut to disbandment.

"Shocking twist... Five April staff members: 'A victim who became the perpetrator in the bullying incident.'" Everyone, search this article on Naver.

Why isn’t there any response from Hyunjoo's side?

In 2023, Hyunjoo joined a small agency called Studio 1592, but since her profile doesn't appear on the agency's website, it seems she currently doesn't have an agency. Her last Instagram post was in August.

What kind of idol was Hyunjoo?

She was April's visual center.

She also worked really hard participating in the group's activities

Go listen to Hyunjoo's cover of Time of Our Life.

She has a beautiful voice.

Hyunjoo is good at performing on stage

Former trainees also gave testimonies on APRIL's case

(Regarding the falsity of the above) Currently, the accuser, the accused, and witnesses are in sharp disagreement over whether the above claims are false. The witnesses who claim the allegations are false are all affiliated with DSP Media, such as the April members, executives, managers, former members, and dance trainers, so it’s difficult to fully trust their statements. Additionally, determining the truth of accusations 1) and 2) is complicated, as personal feelings about group conflicts are very subjective, making it hard to assess objectively. As for accusation 3), although there's suspicion that the claim about a relationship between the accuser and the manager lacks credibility, it is hard to make a definitive judgment due to the lack of cooperation from witness.

APRIL's side sued Hyunjoo, but including the testimony from former trainees, the case ended with a decision of no indictment.

To read more of the article (source): https://www.khan.co.kr/reporter_article.html?id=58&q=%EC%9D%B4%ED%98%84%EC%A3%BC

🥲 I heard there have been 7 lawsuits...ㄷㄷㄷ I wonder can posts like this also get you sued???


-Why are they so desperate to protect Lee Naeun? She’s not an extraordinary actress or a genius idol. There are plenty of former idols turned actors at her level. Why can't they let go?

-Reporter Kang Jooil, please write a balanced series of articles from Hyunjoo's side as well🙏

-How much money did she get paid under the table? She's really working hard.

-How much money did she receive? I feel sick just thinking about Lee Naeun. This is sickening.

-Now that APRIL doesn't have upcoming activities, they're trying to plan a comeback for Lee Naeun.

-I feel really bad for Hyunjoo.

-Honestly, after seeing all this, everything is just so strange and creepy.

-Hyunjoo is really adorable, she was born to be an idol. It's just that she ended up in the wrong group... It's so frustrating. I liked UNI.T too, though.

-Seeing all this just makes me even more opposed to them. I will never support her in the future.

-There must have been some kind of deal.

Continue reading A reporter that is currently pouring out exclusive interviews with April's side

Review of RIIZE's Get a Guitar


It doesn't have the typical powerful sound, difficult technique, or grand world-building that now have become the unique characteristic of SM Ent.'s rookie groups. The only things driving the song are the playful guitar sound and the members' voices. Even the casual invitation, 'Lightly sling it over your shoulder and give it a go,' even comes off provocatively. Despite the very classic bluesy progression, the top line persistently hits the blue notes, keeping the tension strong and makes the song never feels stale. This song reminds me to the image of a classic boy band while retains the slouchy performance style of modern K-pop. By focusing on the essence, they have succeeded in bringing the public's attention back to boy groups, making this a meaningful single.


-Get a Guitar was a really shocking release. Memories was good too. It's a shame that they next releases since then are not as good as these ones.

-Not to mention that the choreography is also very cool.

-Agreed. I still listen to Get a Guitar nowㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Get a Guitar is the only song from RIIZE that I've listened to. I truly loved the vibes. Their other songs are sadly not my cup of tea.

-After its release, this song has been in my playlist for a whole year and I still dont' get tired of it. It's really fascinating.

-I wish they would release another song like Get a Guitar. It's the best song they have ever released so far.

-This is exactly why I only listen to Memories and Get a Guitar.

-Even after checking out their other songs, Get a Guitar is still the best one for me. It's really well made.

-It's very trendy and also has a high-quality at the same time. Not to mention that the choreography is also very good.

-I like RIIZE... They have great songs.

-I love every single thing about Get a Guitar.

-Even the song feels so RIIZE-ish.

-I haven't heard this song, now I'm curious about it. I guess I'm gonna have to check it out later.

-Get a Guitar is still on the chartsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's such a great songㅋㅋ

Continue reading Review of RIIZE's Get a Guitar