
Sunday, June 9, 2024


A Japanese hit song that people keep saying sounds really similar to DAY6's Time of Our Life

As soon as I heard it, I thought of DAY6's lyrics...
"To be honest, I've been waiting for this a lot"

DAY6's song was released first

Comparison video

-This isn't plagiarism, right?

-Wow, the intro sounds exactly the same. If it was the other way around, DAY6 would have been heavily criticized.

-It's the first time I'm hearing this, but it's exactly the same.

-I think they copied the melodyㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Even if it's not plagiarism, it's still shamelessㅋㅋㅋㅋ Japanese bands don't even see copying as a problem. Over 70% of Japanese popular top bands have a history of copying pop songs.

-I heard both songs for the first time and they sound the same to me.

-It's not just similar, it's exactly the same.

-I don't know if it's plagiarism, but it seems like they used DAY6's song as a reference.

-It's exactly the same.

-The intro is similar.

-I've listened to this song a lot, but I never noticed. Now that you mention it, it seems similarㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Am I tone-deaf? It doesn't sound similar to me at all.

-The beginning is really similarㅋㅋㅋㅋ As soon as I hear it, the lyrics of DAY6's song come to mind.

-They're the same. The rhythm is very similar.

-Huh? I never thought they were similar.

-It's too similar. Wow...