
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

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Cha Eunwoo's goal in 10 years

YJS: What are you going to be in the next 10 years?

CEW: I sometimes think about that too, you know? Athletes run towards first place, victory, and gold medals. But for people in our field, what should we run towards? Year-end awards? of course, that's something to be grateful for, but my ultimate goal is... It's a bit embarrassing to say, but it's to become the icon of an era. 

YJS: So... 'Becoming the person that comes to mind when people think about a specific era'?

CEW: That's really cool, isn't it? I mean... Someone like you, Sunbae. 


-You're already an icon...

-Has his acting skills improved?
 ㄴYeah, he's improving. 
 ㄴI watched his recent work, his acting was really good

-Isn't he already the epitome of handsome face in this era? It's regrettable that he doesn't have a representative work yet, though.

-He's already an icon.

-This is the first time I've heard Cha Eunwoo talk and his voice sounds really nice...

-He has already reached that goal. He'll probably secure his position as an icon more firmly in the future. 

-I was surprised after watching 'Wonderful World' recently; his acting has improved a lot. 

-He kind of gives off a Won Bin vibe; he's already an icon of handsome men, isn't he? His acting is still lacking, but he's young, so he'll improve even more.

-Impressive 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

-He's already an icon. When you think of a handsome man, it's Cha Eunwoo...

-I watched 'Wonderful World' recently. I'm looking forward to his next work and hope he does even better in the future.
