
Sunday, April 28, 2024


BTS Takes Legal Action Against Violation of Rights and Privacy


This is Big Hit Music.

We would like to provide an update on our legal response regarding the protection of BTS's rights.

Recently, there have been numerous organized attempts to defame and slander BTS's reputation. Along with this, there have been malicious attacks, spreading of rumors, dissemination of false information, indiscriminate insults, and mockery towards the artists.

We consider this matter a serious infringement on the artists' honor, and in addition to our ongoing legal measures, we have appointed a separate legal firm to handle this matter with utmost seriousness.

Currently, malicious posts directed towards the artists are being monitored and collected in real-time as evidence. We want to emphasize that we will respond firmly, applying a zero-tolerance policy without leniency or compromise to the perpetrators.

Thank you.


-We need an explanation...

-Is the judge going to be sued too?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Trying to shut us up?

 -They're insanely fastㅋㅋㅋ

-There were too many posts crossing the line. Let's sue.

-It's natural to say something, but there were really posts that crossed the line. As a fan, it's so hurtful. Instead of just talking about suing, please, explain about this issue quickly so that it can be resolvedㅜㅜ

-I'm curious about the official statement. It would be nice if they posted it quickly too.

-At this point, just sue all the nonsense.

-I always support lawsuits, but I hope there's an explanation.

-What about an explanation for the judgment?? What about an explanation for the allegations of concept plagiarism??

-It would be nice if they could clear up the suspicions that are currently circulating!

-Without even explaining the judgment, they just put this out...?

-I knew this would happen, all the psychos will end up getting sued.

-Explain what needs to be explained and sue what needs to be sued.

-They're gonna sue but they won't explain?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
