
Wednesday, April 5, 2023


Kim Saeron, "I never claimed I was struggling financially"


Kim Saeron denies she's currently struggling financially, and leaves it to her lawyer to take responsibility.

Kim Saeron says after the court, "It was true that I drove under the influence and I was wrong for that, so I have nothing to say. I will make sure nothing like this happens again in the future. I never claimed I was struggling financially. It is true that I'm currently working part-time and that the penalty fee cost a lot."

She continues, "A lot of false news of me is being reported. I can't explain it because I'm too scared."

Previously, her lawyer, Min Gi Ho stated, "Kim Saeron is the breadwinner of her family. She is currently suffering from financial difficulties because of the compensation fee she had to pay for the accident. She is currently working part-time to make ends meet."


-Then why did she post pictures of her working part-time on her Instagram?

-I think it would be best for her to stay quiet...

-Why is she not reflecting on her mistakes?

-Why did you post those pictures then? To brag?

-Is she saying that her lawyer spoke on her behalf without discussing it with her first?

-It really shows that she's shameless and stupidㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-She should've said nothing...

-You better go and talk to your lawyer then...

-Seems like she no longer wants to be a celebrity...

-Whoa... That's really shameless of her...

-Is there no adults around her to control her...?

-She's young... Her behavior shows how young she is...

-I guess working part-time is just her hobby, then...

-Looks like she didn't get the result she wanted and decided to blame it all on her lawyer...

-That's very immature of her...

-I bet her lawyer really wants to quit his job right now...
